
驚喜既barchelorettee party

今晚星期日, 謝菲神神秘秘咁話去荃灣, 去到荃灣後居然見到姊姊團既成員, 我都打咗個突, 之後謝菲就將我交俾姊姊團既兩位成員!!!! 很定有古怪!!!!! 一路行一路行, 心諗可能係姊妹團俾我既surprise dinner, 一路行去到荃灣城市廣場, um,,,,我諗唔通去唱K?!!!!

點知佢帶我去到商業大廈, um,,,唔對路啦, 我開始估唔到啦!!!! 一開升降機門, 見到其中一個招牌係Dance studio, 我諗可能個surprise係同呢樣嘢有關!
無錯, 真係同dance 有關, 入到去唔見有其他人, 跟住佢地就叫我去另一間房, 我一推門入去, 見到布簾後有兩部camera, 跟住布簾後走咗好多人出嚟, OMG, 原來基本上我既所有姊妹團, 我細妹及其他好朋友女仔friend 都嚟晒, total有成14人!!!! 真係絕對估佢唔到, 個一刻真係好surprise, 感動到眼濕濕!!!!

跟住既節目當然極之精彩, 我呢世女都從dress up 到咁wild(hohoho)及從未如此瘋狂, 雖然我平時都已經din din 地, 但今晚真係不可以用筆墨形容, 真係要飲番兩杯紅酒壯膽先得!!!! 而相及video更加唔可以post, 因為有啲兒童不宜啦!!!!

多謝今晚所有嚟咗既好朋友及organize呢次event既好姊姊, 呢份禮物絕對係不生難忘! 希望大家今晚都玩得開心及盡興!!!! I love you all!!!!


  1. haha i am so honor to be part of this surprise party~ wahahahaha
    although i was not wild enough but happy to make u cry and all of us to dance so wild hehehee
    looking forwards your BIG DAY!!!!!
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 00:42:00]I am so happy to have you girls ah!!! Haha,,the first time ever that I cry in the public! I miss those dance and costume la!!! Glad that you girls prepare the red wine for me, if not, I think that I don't have guts to dress up like that law!!!!

  2. 嘩, 肯定好難忘呢~~~
    [版主回覆12/03/2010 01:45:00]無錯呀, 係極之難忘及感激班girl friends!!!
